
Epista Influencer helps the industry with SaMD

Epista expert explains the complex world of SaMD

Meet Epista Influencer Hanne Hansen, Principal Consultant. Hanne helps Life Science professionals understand the ever-evolving world of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). Companies in the Life Science industry are constantly being challenged to stay up-to-date with the latest SaMD regulations, especially when it comes to patient safety and regulatory compliance. That means not only understanding, but also being able to apply these changes to their products when necessary. But, how can these companies keep up?

By sharing her expert knowledge and advice, Hanne hopes to help others in the Life Sciences garner a better understanding of regulations and technology that are playing major roles in the industry today. If you have questions about SaMD or other regulatory challenges, get in touch. We love to share our knowledge.

Talk to an expert

Hanne Harbo Hansen
Principal Consultant

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